Equipment Isolation with Blind Installations

HRI’s services play a crucial role in isolating equipment on operational units like the FCCU (Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit), primarily by installing blinds where flue gas circulates. This includes a variety of equipment such as Waste Heat Boilers, CO Boilers, Power Recovery Turbines, and various furnaces. Typically, the equipment requiring isolation has experienced a failure or requires a mandated inspection that cannot be scheduled during a turnaround event. Flue gas temperatures passing through the lines and into the equipment can reach up to 1400°F. Engineering controls, along with specific gasket and rigging requirements, are employed to ensure safety. Each project is carefully evaluated to ensure that safety parameters are met and in place for successful execution. The isolation process can effectively reduce critical path time during turnarounds and address unexpected equipment failures. Upon completion of repairs or inspections, the process is reversed.